Cartoons, cartoons, cartoons.... John Crowther's Cartoon Odyssey

I think of it as The Fool's Journey. I've been asked who the "fool" is. It's me, but in the classical sense of the court jester. Only the fool was allowed to tell the king of his follies. All cartoons are available as prints or originals, framed or unframed, through my website or e-mail. For mugs, t-shirts, and other products visit my gift shop at* (be sure to include the *).

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Big Two Oh Oh

Here it is, folks, our two hundredth cartoon to be posted here at the "journey," two hundred days without interruption. I've decided to celebrate quietly, unlike the big bash we threw when we turned 100. Well actually we didn't throw the bash, we just made big plans. Story of my life. This time I've opted for 24 hours of meditation and quiet. That's the idea anyway, but it probably won't work out that way. I'm going to save the festivities for when we've managed to change the world. Right now we're over six months into this and things are just as dysfunctional as ever, gas prices are still going up, TV has another stupid competition where 3 snarly judges say nasty things about a parade of talentless jerks, the streets are filled with homeless, there's gridlock on the freeways, teachers aren't getting paid what they're worth, and corrupt thugs from Washington to Baghdad continue to line their pockets. Just when I'm tempted to throw up my hands in despair in recognition of the fact I've failed to make a dent in all this because people just laugh at me, I remember that's the whole point.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 200th daily cartoon. What dedication you have put into this! It has amazed me the range of subjects you have found to use for subjects. Now I am wondering if this could turn into a book?

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laughing WITH you John... not AT you! It's been an interesting journey so far covering every topic known to man! But never underestimate the impact you are having. Like ripples from a stone tossed into the stillness of a pond... the small everyday comment never fails to reach the distant shore of understanding.

3:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need a vacation!
I can't imagine how much pressure it must put you under to have to come up with a new cartoon everyday for six months.
Why don't you fix yourself something long and tall and post some of your favorites from the past half year, turn off the TV, radio, computer and cell phone.. Go sailing, visit a redwood forest, or maybe a vineyard (depending on what side of the world you're on).
You deserve a break!

9:26 PM  
Blogger John M Crowther said...

Sailing, the woods, and vino, you have me pegged, Kate. But doing the cartoons is how I deal with pressure. Thanks to you, Jean, and Katherine for your loyalty.

7:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just speaking for myself, of course, but I visit here becasue I like it; not out of a sense of loyalty.
But you're welcome!

11:25 AM  
Blogger John M Crowther said...

I never thought of loyalty in terms of obligation or duty, Kate. What I in fact appreciate is in fact exactly consistent with your words.

5:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I understand what you mean, but that's one of the reasons I like to visit here.... it makes me think.
Having contact with people who are so different than I am keeps me on my toes.
It's really easy to become smug and complacent (two characteristics I despise) when you are always around people who think like you do, and thus always agree with you.

9:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kate's QUOTE:It's really easy to become smug and complacent (two characteristics I despise) when you are always around people who think like you do, and thus always agree with you :UNQUOTE

Again... what planet are you on Kate? I don't even KNOW anyone who ever agrees with me!!! (juuuust kiddding!) LOL

You're welcome John... and like Kate... I enjoy your blog. It's fun... it's different... it's intelligent and just a tad controversial. A very good mix I think! Congratulations again... :-)

Kate... are you and Katherine here one and the same person? Confused... (but just a little) :-)

11:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely not the same. I have no idea who Kate is even if our names are similar.

John, It has been a delight to check your new cartoon each day. I never know what to expect and each new one comes from your vivid imagination and well informed mind. Your comments add to the interest. I expect any day to have you tell us a major newspaper has offered you a contract for a daily column.. Now I am going to look for your book and try to find the movies you wrote the scripts for.

3:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are... as I thought. There were two distinctly different voices coming through... but I think sometimes Kate posts as Katherin (minus the e?) That's probably where the confusion came in.

Hope you are feeling much better Katherine... we have missed you (here and at the artboards!) :-)

3:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an accomplishment, John C. All the hard work is starting to pay off as the cartoons improve daily. This is indeed your calling and you are doing a wonderful job of it. It seems to me that it would be hard to get the exact compliment between the cartoon and the commentary each day. But they seem to balance each other out, fitting together like a puzzle. Hope that you continue for many more years. When I have to miss coming on the blog, I am restless until I catch up with them.

How is il professore? I miss him.
Sorry that you have been ill, Katherine and hope that you are feeling great now. Kate, your comments are always interesting and I look forward to reading them. Jean, it is always a pleasure reading your comments as well. All in all, I would say that this is a very interesting and diverse group of viewers.

9:15 PM  

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