Cartoons, cartoons, cartoons.... John Crowther's Cartoon Odyssey

I think of it as The Fool's Journey. I've been asked who the "fool" is. It's me, but in the classical sense of the court jester. Only the fool was allowed to tell the king of his follies. All cartoons are available as prints or originals, framed or unframed, through my website or e-mail. For mugs, t-shirts, and other products visit my gift shop at* (be sure to include the *).

Saturday, February 10, 2007

What's the Harm, It's Just Good Clean Violence

How much more evidence do we need that ours is a dysfunctional society? I don't know if you saw the Super Bowl ad in question, but to me it was downright shocking, a series of grown people in all walks of life smacking each other on the face, like, "hey, this is fun, let's hit each other just for the heck of it." As if football itself isn't already an invitation to crude, physically devestating brutality. And it wasn't just this one commercial, they all in one way or another were designed to shock us with sociopathic behavior. The kicker came this week, when activist groups protested the ads and the sponsors reacted with varying degrees of contrition. It's become a game in itself, we'll broadcast something really outrageous, you complain, and we'll claim we're going to rethink our advertising policy. "Our bad." Meanwhile, the ads resonated all week long, they didn't go away, the media kept hyping the invented "controversy." Then later this week Anna Nicole Smith died and the media went bonkers, dedicating hours and hours, and pages and pages, of "news" coverage to the sad, sordid, lonely death of an untalented stripper, gold-digger, erstwhile Playboy centerfold who had absolutely nothing to give to the culture but sex. Not even interesting, alluring sex, but a bloated, desperately needy parody of sex. All the while, not that anyone really noticed, the death and disintegration continued its downward spiral in Iraq while conservative lawmakers and talk show bullies worked themselves up into a frothing frenzy because Nancy Pelosi was using a jet assigned her by the Pentagon to get her back and forth to her home in California, a jet they considered too big for her because it didn't have to stop for refueling. By the way, I wonder if there's an acceptable reason to "slug gramps?"


Blogger Jean Burman said...

Great commentary John! I'm on the wrong continent to have seen the Super Bowl ad... but I am becoming increasingly concerned over here about the Santa Fe ad where the toddler jumps the cot rails to the strains of "The Restless Wind" hops into the family 4 x 4 and heads for the beach with his little girlfriend (who he picks up hitchhiking along the highway)!! Gotta hope the kids don't take it literally... I'll bet there's at least one. It is kinda cute tho... in a dangerous kinda way!

Negative press is the best kind of press... take a look at the Aussie promo "where the bloody hell are you?" The poms banned it in the UK and it was consequently a huge hit... far bigger promo than anyone could have dreamt of.

We did however get the news about Anna Nicole Smith... we aussies seem to cling to celebrity news like barnacles to a rock. I knew very little about her... but felt great sadness for her 5 month old child who is now motherless. And for her son who lost his life within days of the birth. What must she have been feeling? This is the stuff of Hollywood... I'm sure they'll manage to do something with it.

4:18 PM  
Blogger Jean Burman said...

QUOTE: All the while, not that anyone really noticed, the death and disintegration continued its downward spiral in Iraq while conservative lawmakers and talk show bullies :UNQUOTE

The inanity of it all! Maybe they should all be packed off to the war zone to get a grip!

4:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did not see any of the ads. Actually have not turned on the TV for over two weeks. I felt very sorry for A N S as she must have lead a terribly sad life but what in the world could the TV find to talk about for hours? As far as I know, her claim to fame was marrying an 89 year old man. Did hear over the radio news that the husband of one of the Gabor with the unusual names, age 90, claims to be the father of the child. Fell off chair laughing but actually it is really sad. Like Jean, I feel sorry for the baby girl who is now an orphan. Wonder if those men would be fighting over her if she had no income. I wish that the world cared as much about the young soldiers who are dying in the war.

Jeremy needs to be kept away from the TV, says she laughing. Obviously he is advanced for his age.

6:02 PM  
Blogger John M Crowther said...

You're so right, Jean, Jeremy is advanced for his age (which I'd put at around 6). But what fascinates me is his poor befuddled mother's inablity to "get" him. (I don't create this stuff, I just channel it.)

6:12 PM  
Blogger Jean Burman said...

John!!! That was Lee's very wise observation... mine was the rambling rhetoric above that! LOL

btw...Lee!!! it's so great to see you back... where have you been? My next job was to email you and here you are... heck I'll email you anyway! :-)

2:28 AM  
Blogger John M Crowther said...

Oops, my bad. I actually did know that, but it was a slip of the finger.

7:55 AM  

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