Cartoons, cartoons, cartoons.... John Crowther's Cartoon Odyssey

I think of it as The Fool's Journey. I've been asked who the "fool" is. It's me, but in the classical sense of the court jester. Only the fool was allowed to tell the king of his follies. All cartoons are available as prints or originals, framed or unframed, through my website or e-mail. For mugs, t-shirts, and other products visit my gift shop at* (be sure to include the *).

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Politics Is Entertainment! Or Vice Versa?

Former Veep Dick Cheney has now come out in favor of same-sex marriage (if, in fact, "coming out" is the right term to use in this case). He does, however, feel it's not something the federal government should be involved in, and that it should be left up to the individual states. Is this the same Dick Cheney who supportd his colleagues who were pressing for a constitutional ammendment banning same-sex marriage?


Anonymous Lee said...

Poor Susan, I have a friend who lives in the next village over from Susan B. and she says that the poor woman has been hounded by the media. She thinks that Susan was glad that she did not win 1st place as now the pressure is off her. My friend says that she is a lovely person who made a living sing for weddings. Hope that she is happy whatever she does. As for gay weddings, my only objections has been if the fed or state government forced a religion to preform the wedding against their personal beliefs. My grandnephew is gay and has been in a relationship for over 9 years. If they wanted to get married in a church by a minister or priest who was willing then more power to them but no one has the right to try to force another person to preform an act that is against that person principals. No matter who or what. That is my opinion. I am hoping that my grandnephew adopts a child as he would make a lovely parent. His partner would loved to be a stay at home parent. They are two of the nicest people that I know.

10:12 PM  
Anonymous Jean said...

Susan Boyle is a breath of fresh air for a tired and cynical world weary audience. She seems perfectly lovely... and appears totally unaffected by the world at large. There should be more like her.

3:39 AM  
Blogger John M Crowther said...

Agreed, Jean, wholeheartedly.

Lee, the issue has never been about forcing churches to perform same-sex marriages against their beliefs. It's entirely about the states recognizing the validity of same-sex marriages, something whose time is well overdue.

8:54 AM  
Anonymous Jean said...

I hesitate to comment... but I do wonder why the draconian institution of marriage should be desired by (anyone) when it has such a high demonstrated failure rate. Pardon my apparent cynicism but perhaps the world should be looking toward new ways both legal and moral to signify the commitment and loyalty required of the union between two people. Society moves on... yet the institution remains locked in as an almost unworkable model. My 2 cents.

1:51 PM  
Anonymous Lee said...

Jean, I agree with you wholeheartedly. John C. who is happily married would not understand probably but for me, marriage has always seemed to be a prison but was a necessarily legal act to protect my children. Think that I would have gotten along much better with ex if he had not had to be an ex but just a buddy and lover. Just my humble opinion, of course.

10:53 PM  
Blogger John M Crowther said...

I agree with you both. Marriage works best when each couple defines it their own way, as opposed to being stuck in a conventional prison.

8:16 AM  

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