Let Us Play
Scientists are now saying there's a good chance that life on earth didn't start with one single source, but rather sprang from multiple chemical reactions at different times in different places, which would mean there are organisms in existence totally unrelated to each other genetically. No surprise to me. I've believed this for years, especially if you think, as I do, that "life" is not a one-time chance occurrence that only happened here on earth and nowhere else in the universe. What I don't get is why people think there's a conflict between belief in God and acceptance of science. God to me is responsible for all the astonishing miracles that science tries with stumbling success to comprehend, not simply the easy stuff like turning Adam's rib into Eve. That's a mere magic trick compared to the Big Stuff.
Firstly John... LOVE the cartoon!
As for the conflict between belief in God and acceptance of science. And "God is responsible for all the astonishing miracles that science tries with stumbling success to comprehend" I couldn't agree more. I remember when I was a little girl asking my mother "why"; she would always say... "because there are some things we are not meant to know" I dare say she was right... but what are we without the question? Life is such a miracle in itself... it's impossible for me to understand the agnostic [or atheist] viewpoint that there is simply nothing to it.
Love this cartoon, it is gentle and kind just like these two characters.
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