Score Another For the Tasteless
As most people know by now, "sweeps week" refers to that period that comes around twice a year, when the TV networks aim for the biggest possible audience so they can demonstrate to their sponsors how brilliant and successful they are. It's done by trotting out the most vile, obscene, purile programming imaginable. Critics like to revile the networks for this blatant commerciality, but this sidesteps the fact that it works because people watch that crap in huge numbers. You can bet that all the folks around the water cooler this morning bitching about OJ's latest broken field run through the lame defenses of American pop culture will be tuning in to see just how he "would have done in Nicole" if he'd been the killer.
John, love this one. You are so right that probably millions will watch this tasteless program and OJ will bask in what he thinks is the glory from it. Personally, I have better things to do that evening, like paint my toenails or floss my teeth. Sooooooo sorrrrrrry, OJ, have to decline watching the show or reading the book.
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