An inevitable part of "growing up" for virtually every adult is the realization that there is no Santa Claus. The time comes when our subjective selves, the part of our cognizance that "believes," is trumped by our objective selves, the part that observes the world around us and thinks it "knows," such as the fact that a fat man can't possiby fly around the sky in a sleigh pulled by reindeers carrying enough toys for everyone and slide down chimneys. There's no lasting trauma in the awareness, nothing that shapes our personalities. The belief in Santa remains a charming relic of childhood. It's interesting then that for millions of people, including at least one or two running for President of the United States and possibly one who
is President, God is perceived as a real individual sitting on a throne somewhere in the firmament and making decisions about the fate of mankind, such as who should be punished with pestilence, plague, and worse for the evil of not believing in him, his son, and some vaguely defined entity called the Holy Ghost.
John... with regard to the existence of Santa Clause... I highly recommend the movie Miracle on 34th Street! (If ever there was doubt about the man in the red suit this will dispel it!) *wink* As for the existence or otherwise of God... that is an individual matter. Faith is an intangible thing and therefore cannot be gifted traded or otherwise procured... any more than it can be explained to the casual observer.
Another great cartoon! :-)
Thanks, Jean, for the kind words about the cartoon. I've seen "Miracle," at least three times, the first years ago when I was a small child, and it is wonderful.
I agree with you about faith. Don't get me wrong, my intention wasn't to disparage anyone's belief in an almighty, nor the form it might take for them. What intrigues me is that as childrens' objective experience of the world develops it sooner or later convinces them to give up their belief in Santa Claus as a real being. The same doesn't happen for millions of people when it comes to a corporeal image of God. What is it that makes the difference, I wonder. Is it perhaps that for them the need for God is greater than the need for Jolly Old St. Nick?
You may well be right there John! Also the fact that from St. Nick we have nothing to fear... whereas God on the other hand... is an unknown quantity! (Better to be on the safe side) (((LOL)))
John C, this is the best Jeremy yet!!! So typical of him. Love it.e
A Great cartoon and caption John!I am sure Mike Huckabee believes in God, I wonder if God believes in him? lol roger
>>St. Nick we have nothing to fear... whereas God on the other hand... is an unknown quantity!<<
Jean, I do not find St. Nick (AKA Santa Claus) as benign a figure as you do. You may recall the words to the song:
“You better watch out
You better not cry
Better not pout
I'm telling you why
Santa Claus is coming to town.
He's making a list
And checking it twice;
Gonna find out who's naughty and nice
Santa Claus is coming to town
He sees you when you're sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows if you've been bad or good
So be good for goodness sake!”
This picture of Santa as an omniscient character has always troubled me, to say nothing of the fact that he seems to work under a number of different aliases and has never been seen other than in department stores. My guess is that St. Nick is really BIG BROTHER. George Orwell first spotted him when as a little boy George waited up all night and instead of seeing a jolly old man come down the chimney, a KBG operative showed up in an unmarked Mercedes.
(((hahahaha))) sooo funny... touche Professore! :-D
What I find sad is that for many the "coporeal, Santa-God" of childhood has never developed into what could be a profound and life changing spiritual relationship. Too many have "graduated" from Sunday school classes of early youth and have neglected to continue the study. How unfortunate that God continues to be perceived merely as a plastic, (Male!)figure of justice in the clouds when, through judicious study one might discover depth and meaning in a mature Godly relationship,(or Spirit, etc...however you would define the ineffable powers that be).
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