Cartoons, cartoons, cartoons.... John Crowther's Cartoon Odyssey

I think of it as The Fool's Journey. I've been asked who the "fool" is. It's me, but in the classical sense of the court jester. Only the fool was allowed to tell the king of his follies. All cartoons are available as prints or originals, framed or unframed, through my website or e-mail. For mugs, t-shirts, and other products visit my gift shop at* (be sure to include the *).

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Up Up and Away

Icharus, Jonathan Livingston Seagull, and Phineas Fogg, in defying gravity and breaking the bonds of the earth, sought freedom from the mundane. Fictional, but nonetheless thrilling for the rest of us. Now reality television, which is anything but real, has turned us into a culture of hoaxsters, desperate for the fame but without the heroics or risk. Just imagine Phineas Fogg and his loyal Passpartout cringing in the crawlspace above an attic while their balloon spent 80 days riding the earth's winds empty. Imagine young Icharus looking at Deadalus and stammering guiltily, "You said we did it for the show."


Anonymous Jean Burman said...

(((chuckles))) g-r-e-a-t cartoon!

10:27 PM  

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