Number Please
The telephone game ought to be completely different now that everyone has a cell phone. Nowadays, somewhere along the line, somebody's going to lose their signal and the whole thing will have to start again. Someone will be using their phone to take pictures, another person's phone will be turned off, still another will be watching Gilligan Island reruns. Whatever the first person said, it'll never make it to the end, not even garbled. In another generation the game as we know it will be obsolete. Everyone will be texting the next person. By the way, I'm happy to say I have to idea how to send text messages, and I'm going to keep it that way.
John, it’s very simple to text message. I just got one from my Danish pal, Prince Hamlet of Elsinore. It reads:
2B or not 2B, that is the ?
Easy for you to say. What f I, let's say, wanted to txt mssg someone and say "ts nblr n mnd 2 sfr slngs n ros f outrgs 4rtn?"
r 2 tk rms gnst .........
>>2 sfr slngs n ros f outrgs 4rtn/R 2 tk rms gnst... etc. <<
Odd.In my Quattro it reads:
“...slngs n ->s f outrgs 4tn,
R 2 tk 2 rms gnst a C f trbls,”
I've always wondered why Hamlet was looking for a two room apartment overlooking a sea of troubles.
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