Cartoons, cartoons, cartoons.... John Crowther's Cartoon Odyssey

I think of it as The Fool's Journey. I've been asked who the "fool" is. It's me, but in the classical sense of the court jester. Only the fool was allowed to tell the king of his follies. All cartoons are available as prints or originals, framed or unframed, through my website or e-mail. For mugs, t-shirts, and other products visit my gift shop at* (be sure to include the *).

Friday, October 02, 2009

Block That Cheap Shot

Today, Oct. 2, is the day everyone who deals in humor of any kind should pause and pay homage to Groucho Marx, born in New York City sometime in the 1890's. It was Groucho who famously said he would never be a member of any club that would accept him as a member.


Anonymous Lee said...

Truly funny, John C

7:41 PM  

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