Say What?
Italian is pronounced exactly and without exception the way it is spelled, so I was always fascinated by the ways that Italians dealt with American products in their language. One of my favorites was the deoderant SafeGuard, which they pronounced to sound something like sahf-ay-goo-ard. Colgate was cole-gah-tay, and Close Up toothpaste came out like Cloze-ay-oop. Better still, though, was a discovery I made at age 18, when I was in Europe for the first time. In Germany Rice Krispies don't go "snap, crackle, pop," they go "knisper, knasper, knusper." Go figure.
German is pronounced exactly as it is spelled also -- such logical people, those Germans. English pronunciation must be a pain in the Arsch to learn.
I remember a bank in Germany called Sparkasse (savings bank). In German, it is 3 syllables: Shpahr-kass-eh. I found it amusing to think about the possibility of them expanding to English speaking countries, where their name would be pronounced as Spark-ass.
Andrew, when I was in Germany as an 18 year old I of course learned all the bad stuff, including how to tell someone "f*** y**." In German it's fich dich, pronounced "fish dish." I came home and told my brother. We had a lot of fun with that at dinner time in front of my mom, who didn't see what was so funny about having a fish dish.
Excellent phrase
John, the actual spelling and pronunciation are a little different, but I like your way better. Nothing wrong with a little poetic license.
John... how did you know I was receiving daily journal entries from an aussie friend visiting Paris? Everywhere I look lately....THERE is Paris. And now here! Actually have two friends over there now. Had coffee this morning at French Kisses Patisserie. I see Eiffel Towers wherever I look. Is the universe trying to tell me something? [I darned well certainly hope so!!! LOL]
And then of course there's Targe (with an acute) and K Mar (with a silent t)...
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